Saturday, March 5, 2011

Build Log - Humber Scout Car Mk. I

I have started work on my Bronco 1/35 Humber Scout Car Mk. I. I have to say it is a real nice kit, with some minor flaws I have discovered so far. The kits is full of detail, to include interior. The molding is crisp, with very little flash, and include PE parts. One minor issue I have discovered so far is the ejection mark, especially on the interior, where they will be seen if leaving open, which I am planning to do. There will need to be filled.

So construction has begun on the interior, with filling ejection marks and adding some of the details. I have decided to add some of the wiring, missing from the kit using jewelry beading wire. The wire is fine, and I find easy to work with. Once most of the details, I will prime with Tamiya fine primer and paint, using Tamiya acrylics and Vallejo.

One issue I see, and wondering how I will deal with it, will be the exterior painting, with the hatches open, but it will be a problem I will tackle then.

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