Saturday, March 12, 2011

Build Log 2 - Humber Scout Car Mk. I

Well work is continuing on the Humber Scout Car, most of the interior is complete, only a little more weathering to complete. Working with the SMALL PE parts was a little daunting, but worth the effort. The interior, so far, was airbrushed with Tamiya Flat White, and detail painting was done using Vallejo paints. To add a dirty coloring to the floor, I applied some MIG Neutral Wash, and dry brushed some white to bring out highlights. Since I am planning to leave the back hood closed, I decided not to build the engine. (Might be useful some where down the road). Again I have found more ejector marks to fill and sand as I go, there was a lot more then I realized at first. Constructing the front stowage and wheel housing, I have found a few fit issues, but these were dealt with using some Squadron White putty. This was also true for building the suspension and drive components. The leaf suspension comes in two half and requires a bit of putty and careful sanding.

Next up, complete the body assembly.

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